Superheroes in our lives
Most people would think that things like superheroes are for
little children, mostly for boys. But we know now that it isn't true. In this
blog- I'm going to talk about how the comic characters translate into the real
world. They are more real then we think.

In June 1938 Superman appeared in action comic #1. Most people
think that he is the very first superhero. Although he was the superhero who
started the whole superhero genre. He wasn't the very first. There where heroes
like Doctor Occult (1935) or Zorro (1919) appeared earlier than our son of
Krypton. It was Hugo Hercules who debuted in September 1902 for Chicago
Tribune. It was created by Wilhelm Heinrich Detlev Korner. Hugo Hercules is a
good-natured man with superhuman strengths. He could pick up an Elephant, kick
houses like a football and wield an artillery canon like a handgun. It wasn't a
great success like superman. But he was the very first superhero. Mr. Korner later
left comics and started to work as a painter.
Batman - As everyone knows by now through comic cooks, shows and
movies. Batman or his true name Bruce Wayne is the son of Thomas and Martha
Wayne. His parents got killed in front of his eyes and got traumatized. Yes, he
is very rich, he has his Butler. But Bruce was the type of person who didn't
care about money. Imagine yourself as a little kid and losing someone you love
getting killed in front of you. Of course, it's all depending on the person-
some hurt it more than the other, but it still hurts. He lives in a corrupt
city. As a person, you can get influenced by it. He could have turned into a
villain and sought revenge or/and become corrupted himself like anyone else.
But instead he trained hard, faced his hears and learned almost everything to
become the man he wanted to be. He wanted to save people from the bad ones. He
became a symbol.
Superman - Superman is an Alien, a being from another planet (it's like
being the only Asian or black at school or country). He has Godly powers. The
thing is as kid and even adult sometimes- he got picked on as Clark Kent. If
you had powers like Superman, you wouldn't let them go away with it. But he
does. He controls his emotions, pride, ego and so on. He can easily rule over
the world, yet he saves people. He is the symbol of hope, but also of a nonexistence
of a perfect man- who is handsome, strong, can do a lot of things. He is kind,
someone who tries to do good. He can make you feel safe (and a boy scout as
everyone knows).
Wonder woman - Wonder Woman (not so familiar with her though): a princess raise
and born in an island of woman. Where they don't like men. You can get
influence by that. But she is open minded. Unlike most people who are close
minded to their own believes and ideas of how the world works, religion or
something. She is open to save another world (the world of men) where she lives
is believed are not worthy to save or beyond saving, because of humanity
behaviors. (Can’t blame them) she is not just a pretty girl, a warrior with
heart and who searches for the truth and justice.
Spiderman - Spiderman is a teenage boy who got bitten by a radioactive Spiderman. His parents and uncle got killed (like superman and batman he lost the people he loved). He lives with his aunt May and both are struggling with the income. He has school, work to support his aunt and being Spiderman, saving people. Like Clark Kent- Peter Parker get picked on, bullied (especially by Flash Thompson). When Peter got his powers. first, he didn't plan to be a superhero. He wanted money and fame. He was going to use his super powers to reach that goal. But in an event, that came, changed his mind, a gate to a path opened through a tragedy. We can all relate as teenagers with the struggles of high school, job, family/friend’s dramas. He is that guy who takes care of the little guys (/girls) who needs saving/protection.
There are a lot of reasons why a lot of people love these characters.
World war 2
The golden age of superheroes where likely to be around world war 2, after Superman debuted in action comics volume 1. After that- more heroes have been introduced and sold millions of copies. During world war 2, superhero comics has been sent to the military. It was for entertainment, but also for motives and hope. You have superheroes like Superman, Wonder Woman and Captain America who has the colors of the American flag. They were patriot figures for the country. While fighting in the war, seeing millions of deaths. You are losing hope, knowing you are going to die sooner or later. This fiction figures were giving them hope, the will to fight till the end (also the thought of kill or being killed). Imagine a group of people or someone who can end the war like Superman (or Wonder Woman) or lead the army to victory like Captain America. They might be fictions, but they were figures who encourage soldiers, giving them an example through their stories. That no matter how hard the obstacles are. They will go through it.
Our own story
How do you make a remarkable
story? Characters that we can relate with, who grows, the obstacles that they
must overcome and the villain. The reasons why we like novels like the Harry
Potter books, Percy Jackson, A song of ice and fire and so on. I, we like these
superheroes, because of their powers. We want to be like them. Some get
bullied, they see themselves week. You are struggling with life, school. You
can relate with Peter Parker. You see the superheroes (in this case Spiderman)
as figures (/figure) who can protect or save you against the bullies. The
bullies are everywhere. It can either be at school, on the streets, someone (or
group) in a higher position.
The path from the lower
ground, to the top of the mountain
We have our 2 eyes. You have
the third eye. With it you can see what you can't see with your ordinary eyes.
For example: you can see spirits, demons, auras etc. And then somewhere in your
mind, there is a dimension. This dimension (like any other dimensions) is
holding hand to hand with our real world. You can see it as a path, leading to
the top of the mountain through gates (or doors). Every gate you choose, leads
to a path of your life. But those paths are different by the way you choose to
live your life. We know that every decision we make- comes consequences.
We as humans have a lot of
possibilities. Imagine this: A path is also like a chapter of a story. You are
walking on this one path you chose. At the end of this path (chapter), there
are 3 gates you see (although there are infinite gates to each path. but, for
this explanation 3). 1 on the left, in the middle and on the right. You chose
the middle, but this path sucks. You keep going, but the next time you choose a
different gate. You chose on the right one. This path is great, so you keep
choosing the right gate. Then you are closing the other gates, the other
possibilities. In your mindset, you are thinking that there is only one way
that leads to the top. You are ignoring other ways, other possibilities. You are being
close minded, while you should've kept your mind open. It's the same thing with
if you are an atheist. You think there is no God, you think that people who believes
in God are wrong. Or the other way around. If you are Catholic, you only think
that the only way to live, is to live by the bible. You don't know who is right
or wrong, if there is a God or not. You don't know that, no one does.
Sometimes you get unstable and
gets of the path and fall. You can either keep falling until you reach the
bottom or hold onto something- get back up and continue your journey. But when
you do reach the bottom. You can stay down or get back up. Sometimes when you
fall, it means you are getting another chance. A chance to choose a better path
for yourself. All the gates are open, open for new possibilities. Unlike before some were closed, because you closed them. By being close minded. And only looking in one direction while ignoring the others.
That being said. you are the
superhero in your own story. And the greatest threat, the worse bully of the
bullies. The greatest villain- is yourself. You can have others to help you
out, but in the end, you are the one responsible of your own life.
Thank you for reading. I hope you enjoyed it. I am really trying to improve my writing. (spelling, grammars ect)
If you are a fan of superheroes. You might like to watch these videos.
Dc tribute - superheroes by script
The Defenders - Reluctant heroes, a theme song from the anime Attack on Titan
If you are a fan of superheroes. You might like to watch these videos.
Dc tribute - superheroes by script
The Defenders - Reluctant heroes, a theme song from the anime Attack on Titan
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